Doing It Scared

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© Copyrights: Ignite Digi

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Doing It Scared


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(2016, Australia, 11 min)


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Focus: Climbing
Eighteen years after a catastrophic accident which left him partially paralyzed, climber Paul Pritchard returns to the legendary Totem Pole, in Tasmania, to find out if he has recovered enough to finish the climb.

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Doing It Scared

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© Crédit photo : Ignite Digi

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Doing It Scared


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(2016, Australie, 11 min)


[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′]

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Focus : Escalade

Dix-huit ans après un accident catastrophique qui l’a laissé partiellement paralysé, le grimpeur Paul Pritchard retourne au Totem Pole, en Tasmanie, afin de découvrir s’il a suffisamment récupéré pour se confronter à nouveau à ce pilier mythique.


Bande originale par Caleb Miller

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